
Siletz Approved City Council Meeting Minutes (Apr 2020 – no May meeting due to Covid-19)

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The Siletz City Council met and convened on Monday, March 9, 2020 and Mayor Worman called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Siletz City Hall.


Present were Mayor Willie Worman, Councilors, Ron Hervey, Leslie Button, Jeff Clark and Councilor Patti Skauge was excused as she was ill.


Also present were Public Works Superintendent, Darin Viar, Utility Worker III, Sheryl Simmons, City Recorder, Sheila Jordan, deputy Recorder, MaryKay Dahlgreen, Lincoln County Librarian, D. Fawver, Parks & Rec Committee and citizens Corey Strong, Susan Trachsel and John Moiser (7:14).



Councilor R. Hervey moved that the minutes of the February 10, 2020 Regular City Council Meeting be approved as read.   Councilor J. Clark seconded the motion and it was approved.



No report



No report



Mary Kay Dahlgreen, Lincoln County Librarian reported that they will be obtaining a sharps container from the Tribe for needles found on Library property.   They have also had problems with people parking long term in the Library’s back parking lot.  Mayor Worman stated that these cars will be towed at the owner’s expense.  Mayor Worman reported that his house was broken in to the other night and suspects are probably the same ones camped out at the Library parking lot.  Dahlgreen also reported that they have had issues with the front doors of the Library but they applied for Tribal Charitable funds and received them and had the doors fixed



Councilor/Park & Rec Member Debbie Fawver reported that new flowers will be planted in the flower boxes and new flags put out too.  Councilor Hervey reported that somebody had vandalized the city skate park with graffiti.   They painted nasty things on the walls of the skate park and the city took pictures in case the culprits are caught in the future.  The skate park is closed until it is cleaned up or until further notice.  City will keep track of all expenses to clean up the park so that it can be charged back to the person who did if and when they are caught.


Public Works Superintendent said that he will provide the city dump truck for the yearly river clean up on April 4th.


City of Siletz

Regular City Council Meeting

Monday, March 9, 2020, Pg. 2


Mill Park Project – Mayor Worman reported that Christine with OODFW will be working on future improvements for Mill Park and trying to obtain grant funds for those improvements.


Mayor Worman reported that the gate to Mill Park is not being closed after hours and drug dealers that have been dealt with in the past or going in to the park.  He stated that he felt Thompson who is the Park Caretaker at Hee Hee Illahee Park could open and close the gate to Mill Park as part of her caretaker duties.



Steve Major, City Engineer appeared before the council to present the One Stop Project Summary for the 6.7 million dollar Wastewater Improvement Project.   He presented the One Stop scenarios that were presented to the City Engineer Steve Major, City Recorder Simmons and Public Works Superintendent Middaugh at the meeting held in Salem on February 24, 2020. Interested financers in attendance or by phone were representatives from Oregon USDA, Business Oregon, USDA Rural Development, CBDG, DEQ, DEQ OPS and the State of Oregon.


Engineer Major also reported to the council the various funding options and how much each would increase the monthly wastewater part of the bill of the citizens of Siletz.   Council discussed the various options and said that the lower they could keep the citizens wastewater utility bill the better.  The minimum increase could be as low as $ 14.63 a month and the highest increase could be $ 36.29.   Major reported that they would start the design part of the project in 20-21 and the actual construction will start in 21-22.  The improvements will not increase the size of the plant – will just be replacing and updating the controls of the plant.   Councilor Hervey moved to advance to the second One Stop Meeting.   Councilor Button seconded the motion and it was approved.



Utility Worker Dave Eshleman reported that he has been working on updating the City Water Management and Conservation Plan.  He said as part of that plan he needed to get the Tribe to sign a Claim of Beneficial Use in regards to their .26 cfs water rights that they transferred to the city.  The Tribe had the water right changed from the place of use and type of use for the water right to be used by the city for municipal purposes which provides them with water.


Eshleman asked the council for authorization to retain The Dyer Partnership to process the final paperwork for the Water Right Permit Claim of Beneficial Use Certification.  This claim would be for Water Right S-25114 and Dyer would charge to prepare an application claim, a system description, and a beneficial map and submit the claim to the Oregon Water Resource Dept.  The maximum The Dyer Partnership would charge for this project is $9,300.00.  He also asked that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Task Order with The Dyer Partnership.




City of Siletz

Regular City Council Meeting

Monday, March 9, 2020, Pg. 3


Councilor R. Hervey moved to retain the Dyer Partnership to prepare the Water Right Permit Claim of Beneficial Use Certification in the amount of $ 9,300 and authorize the Mayor to sign the Task Order.  Councilor L. Button seconded the motion and it was approved.



A letter was received from Central Lincoln PUD advising that they will be changing their hours of operation.  Starting March 2nd the working crew will work 7 am to 5:30 and starting March 30th the office staff will also work 7 am to 5:30 pm.


A letter was received from Dahl Disposal stating that they have prepared for any options that may occur with the Covid 19.  Their plan will insure that whatever may come up with the virus situation they will keep the communities clean and up to date on their efforts,



Public Works Superintendent A. Middaugh reported the following to the Council –


  • 1/15 Two Pallets Salt for Miox
  • River pumps OFF 13 days since last council meeting
  • 1/16 Filled potholes on Darcy / SRD / WWTP / “A” Street
  • 1/24 Low Pressure Air Alarm at WTP – aborted a flush cycle – part ordered
  • Rain total since last council meeting 20 inches
    • We have had to pump higher turbid (muddy) water to raw tank than normal this rain season
  • 1/27 WWTP Mechanical Bar Screen Quit – Auger Motor ordered
  • 1/31 WWTP Influent #1 Pump VFD Alarmed (VFD Overload) – reset power at the panel to restore operation – monitoring closely
  • 2/3 Allen cleared 2-3 feet of river silt at Mill Park with backhoe
  • WTP clarifiers aluminum grating is degrading and sluffing off pencil size chunks – we have requested a Westech technician to check it out and suggest a proper course of action
  • Darin completed 1st training on Cross Connections Annual Reporting

Stephen Hooper has been given a compensation offer to begin training as the future PWS and he has accepted the offer and the plan. We are now ready to proceed with advertising for 1 new hire.



None was received


City of Siletz

Regular City Council Meeting         Monday, March 9, 2020, Pg. 4


  1. Council asked about the status of the old barn on Ferry Avenue and the owner’s progress in eliminating the hazardous building. City Recorder Simmons reported that she has been in contact with the owner and Tom Runyon has been hired to eliminate the brick building and her old house on Siletz River Drive as weather allows.
  2.  Mayor Worman asked about the school zone heat seals for W. Buford Avenue in front of the football field.  Middaugh told him that Frank Aspiria, CTSI had said the first order was canceled for some reason so he reordered them.


Susan Trachsel, LC Health Department said she was asked by Mayor Worman to present some information of COVID 19.  She presented a few flyers and then said main thing is to wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds and stay home to keep from spreading the virus.  She said there are no local cases at this time, tests to confirm if you have the virus are done at the hospital only.  Call 211 for further information or direction on what to do if you think you have the virus and avoid large gatherings.

Mayor Worman said that he had just been to Pendelton with the basketball team and stayed at the casino and was in the school.  The next day they closed the casino and the school because somebody tested positive for the virus that was at the school.  The casino assured everyone that no one in the casino had the virus and they closed along with the school and had every building sanitized.


Debbie Fawver had a flag to present to the city and council and they took a picture of her presenting it to Mayor Worman and Council President Ron Hervey for City Hall.


City Recorder Simmons reported that the debit/credit card machine was down and Deputy Recorder Jordan has been on and off the phone for days with our Tech and Software people trying to figure out what happened.  Our Tech person installed a new server and firewall and they are looking to see if that is the issue.


Mayor Worman set Work Session for March 30, 2020 at 7 pm in the Siletz City Hall.


Councilor J. Clark moved that the February 2020 bills be approved in the amount of                    $ 64,952.66.   Councilor R. Hervey seconded the motion and it was approved.

City of Siletz

Regular City Council Meeting

Monday, March 9, 2020, Pg. 5


Councilor R. Hervey moved that the council go in to Executive Session ORS 192.660(2)(h).at 8:00 pm Councilor J. Clark seconded the motion and it was approved.  The Executive Session proceeded in accordance with ORS 192.660 (2)(h) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed.

Councilor R. Hervey moved to close the executive Session at 8:26 p.m. and go back in to regular session Councilor L. Button seconded the motion and it was approved.

Council consensus was to meet with the City Attorney in an executive session during a Special Session after the Work Session on March 30, 2020 in the Siletz City Hall at 7 p.m.

Councilor R. Hervey moved that the regular meeting of the Siletz City Council be adjourned at 8:27 p.m.  Councilor L. Button seconded the motion and it was approved.


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